Environmental Catalysts
Shell Catalysts & Technologies’ environmental catalysts accomplish functions from the oxidation of volatile organic compounds to the removal of trace contaminants from CO2 streams. Shell affiliates are operators of these catalysts and paired with our diagnostic approach, means our solutions are designed using best-practices and your unique goals in mind.
Tertiary Nâ‚‚O Abatement
Shell Catalysts & Technologies offers a tertiary solution for N2O decomposition to enable plants to meet clean air regulations.
VOC Removal Catalysts
Struggling with carbon monoxide and volatile organic compounds (VOC) emissions? CO/VOC removal can be achieved with Shell Catalysts & Technologies.
Selective Catalytic Reduction: DeNOX
The selective catalytic reduction of nitrogen oxides is cost-effective with Shell Catalysts & Technologies’ DeNOX system (SDS).
Carbon Dioxide Purification Catalyst
High-performance catalysts to remove trace contaminants from carbon dioxide streams prior to further use in chemical, agricultural and/or food applications.
Dioxin Removal
Shell Catalysts & Technologies provides technology for the catalytic destruction of dioxins and furans from municipal solid and hazardous liquid waste incineration facilities.
Contact Shell Catalysts & Technologies
Contact Shell Catalysts & Technologies to meet the challenges petrochemical plants face with confidence.