
Your personal data

We would like to inform you about the personal data collected about you by a company or companies within the Shell group of companies (‘Shell’), for which purposes and your rights in this respect. Please select the Privacy Notice(s) relevant to you from those below.

These Privacy Notices may be supplemented by local/additional notices. These Notices are also available in local languages (where applicable) from the relevant Shell country website.

Shell has adopted Binding Corporate Rules which provide a privacy compliance framework which has been approved by the Dutch Data Protection Authority such that Shell companies are able to lawfully transfer personal data to other companies within the Shell group in compliance with EU data protection law.

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or concerns related to the processing of your personal data – contact details are provided in the relevant Privacy Notice below and from the Shell country website for your location.

Motorist, Loyalty customer, Shell App user

Information for individuals who are or were a retail customer, member of a Shell loyalty program, visitor to a Shell website and/or user of a Shell digital application.

Job applicant

Information for individuals who apply to work for, or who attend a recruitment event or undertake an assessment with Shell.

Business customer, supplier, partner or investor

Information for individuals connected with our business customers (B2B), suppliers, business partners, stakeholders and/or investors.

Current or former Shell employee, contractor or dependent

Information for individuals who are or were employees, interns or individual contractors as well as dependents of Shell employees.