
Sustainability at Shell touches on all areas of our operations. We aim to deliver the energy needed for a growing population in a responsible way - respecting people, their safety and the environment. Sustainability is essential to the longevity of our business and our role as a member of society.

Our approach to sustainability is integrated across our business activities on three levels:

1. Running a safe, efficient, responsible and profitable business

This is the foundation of our approach, which includes having global standards, processes and tools in place to manage safety, environment and community involvement. We aim to continuously improve the way we operate to prevent incidents and identify, avoid where possible and minimise adverse environmental and social impacts across our projects and facilities. We report on our performance in our annual sustainability report.

2. Sharing wider benefits where we operate

Our business is planned for the long term, which means we can be part of a community for decades. We help to develop local economies by creating jobs, sourcing from local suppliers, and paying taxes and royalties. We support community projects that are based on the needs of the local communities.

3. Helping to shape a more sustainable energy future

In the coming decades, more and cleaner energy will be needed for economic development in the face of growing environmental pressures. We are investing in low-carbon energy solutions and advanced technologies, such as those that increase energy efficiency and reduce emissions. We continue to contribute to the public dialogue on energy and climate policy. Yet, the scale of the global challenges that the world faces are too great for one company, or one sector, to resolve. We advocate business, government and civil society working together to better shape a more sustainable energy future.

Shell's approach to sustainability

A triangle showing 3 levels of Shell's approach to sustainability. Level 1: Running a safe, efficient, responsible and profitable business; Level 2: Sharing wider benefits where we operate; Level 3: Helping to shape a sustainable energy future

More in Sustainability


Shell provides energy in a responsible way, helping the world move towards a future in which the energy used causes minimal impact on the planet.


We aim to be a good neighbour wherever we work, by contributing to the well-being of nearby communities.